lunes, marzo 21, 2005


Enviado el 21 de marzo de 2005
Pretty Girl

Copyright Oscar Grillo 2005

Un dibujo sentimental para un lunes a la mañana.

Un corto sueño... Unos hombres muy pequeñitos medían la casa de Ted Rockley pues éste pensaba venderla. Cuando le pregunté porqué me contestó que "A veces uno tiene que pegar el zambullón"
Fuera de la casa ce celebraba una fiesta callejera. Estaba lleno de niños comiendo porquerías con gran entusiasmo. Dos hombres hablaban en castellano sobre los escritos de Mario Raznovich…Yo les conté que poco antes de morir éste me habia dado un disquete con sus textos pero que aun no los había leído... Me desperté muy avergonzado por que es cierto.
(Quizás Mario me visitó en el sueño y me tiró la bronca!)

Música por Jelly Roll Morton and His Red Hot Peppers.

English text

A sentimental picture for a Monday.

Short dream... Ted Rockley was having his house measured by a lot of very small persons with measuring tapes because he wanted to sell it. I asked him why and he responded that "One has to take the plunge"

Outside the house there was a street party going on with lots of kids eating junk food (Must be all these TV programs with Jamie Oliver that influenced me!) The food was awful but the kids ate it with great glee.
Two men were talking in Spanish about the writings of the recently deceased Mario Raznovich, I told them that I had a diskette with his stories that he gave it to me shortly before he died but I haven't read them yet. I woke up ashamed because it is true.

Music by Jelly Roll Morton and His Red Hot Peppers.

Deadman Blues
(Jelly Roll Morton) 9-21-1926 Chicago, Illinois Victor

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