Enviado el 18 de marzo de 2005

Copyright Oscar Grillo 2005
Aquí va un dibujo de viernes.
Soñé que estaba en la Guerra Civil Española que era como un parque de diversiones, el General Yagüe, del bando nacionalista me dio un rifle de aire comprimido y me dijo que era un arma "semi automática"...Yo veía a Yagüe de una manera vivida, con sus ojos miopes, sus anteojitos redondos y su birrete. Le pregunté cual era la diferencia entre "automático" y "semi automático" y no me contestó (los fascistas nunca contestan)... De pronto me encontré en un campo de batalla, en la distancia vi correr a unas figuras a quienes les apunte con el rifle gritando en italiano "Vi Sparo!!...Vi Sparo!!"...Después no se que pasó.
Música por Charles Remue...
English text
Here you have a Friday picture.
I dreamt I was in the Spanish Civil War, General Yagüe, of the nationalist band, gave me a rifle. It was like a compressed air rifle used in fun fairs, in fact we were in a in a fun fair. Yagüe, I saw him very vividly, with his beret, his round glasses and myopic eyes, told me that this was a semi-automatic weapon. I asked him what was the difference between "automatic" and "semi automatic" and he didn't answer (Fascists never do!)...Suddenly I was in a battlefield. I saw some figures in the distance and I pointed at them shouting in Italian: "Vi Sparo!!...Vi Sparo!!" (I'll shoot you!! ... I'll shoot you!!)... That's all I remember.
Music by Charles Remue...
Pamplona(Bee / Packay) 7-27-1927 London, England Edison Bell