miércoles, mayo 24, 2017

Del tiempo del Upíri (Upíri's Blues)

In the times of the Upíri (Upíri's Blues)
© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2017

Rega Dance Orchestra
I'm a jazz vampire    (1920)
Okeh 4178

Rega Dance Orchestra: Benny Krueger (sax) and prob pers. Jules Levy, Abe Small (cnt) Harry Raderman (tb) Sid Feinsmith (cl) Nathan Glantz (as,sop) Wheeler Wadsworth, Duane Sawyer (as) Ted Violinsky, poss Sol Solinsky (vln) Larry Briers, Frank Banta or J. Russell Robinson (p) John Lucas, Harry Reser (bj) prob Joe Tarto (tu) Joe Green (d) coll pers. New York, May 1920

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