El renombrado pistonista Italo-Argentino Enzo (Bubber) Futanari, estrella descollante de la agrupacion de Aquiles Rechain y sus muchachos abrillantinados, orquesta exclusiva de "La Hora de la Higiene", programa radial patrocinado por Jabon Federal, el jabon de los roñosos.
The renowned Italo-Argentinean pistonist Enzo (Bubber) Futanari, famous star the Aquiles Rechain and his greasy boys band, exclusive artist of "The corporal hygiene hour", sponsored by Federal Soap, the soap of the filthy people.
The renowned Italo-Argentinean pistonist Enzo (Bubber) Futanari, famous star the Aquiles Rechain and his greasy boys band, exclusive artist of "The corporal hygiene hour", sponsored by Federal Soap, the soap of the filthy people.
Red Hot-Panamerican Jazz
My cutie's due at two-to-two-to-night (1927) Enzo Futanari on C-melody piston [*]
[*] Músico e instrumentos: licencias "poéticas" de Oscar. El editor
Red Hot-Panamerican Jazz: José Goldenstein (tp) … Gagliardi (tb) unknown (cl,as) Orozinho da Souza (cel,as) Adolfo Weiner (cl,ts) Eleuterio Yribarren (vln,ldr) Miguel Angel Massini (p) Pete … (bj) Jorge Fasoli (d). Buenos Aires, 28 de Mayo de 1927
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