martes, junio 21, 2011



© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2011

Después de un vuelo de 13 horas donde vi "Rango" "The Adjustment Bureau, "The Iron Man", "Brighton Rock", "Hall Pass", un programa sobre acuarelas, las noticias de la BBC, un pedazo de "Cars", otro de una comedia de Chéjov con Johnny Vegas y leí capítulos del "El Tercer Hombre" de Graham Greene traducido al castellano por Silvina Bullrich, llegué a Londres, donde estoy tremendamente mareado y confundido.

After a 13 hours flight where I saw "Rango" "The Adjustment Bureau, "The Iron Man", "Brighton Rock", "Hall Pass", a program on watercolour, a bit of "Cars", the BBC World news, a snipett of a Chekhov´s comedy with Johnny Vegas and read parts of "Graham Greene's "The Thirtd Man" in spanish, arrived in London, where I am terribly jet-lag and confused.

Fats Waller and his Rhythm
How can you face me ? (fw vcl)
Vic 24737

Fats Waller and his Rhythm: Herman Autrey (tp) Floyd O'Brien (tb) Mezz Mezzrow (cl,as) Fats Waller (p,vcl) Al Casey (g) Billy Taylor (b) Harry Dial (d). New York, September 28, 1934

4 comentarios:

dodo dijo...

Welcome home!
Did you learn a lot on watercolours through the film? :-)))

Oscar Grillo dijo...

Thanks, Dodo..I didn't learm much about watercolours, it was a feeble program about a show in The Tate Gallery. Some good Turners on show though.

gustavo roldan dijo...

dos aspirinas y un capítulo del Chavo del ocho te quitan el mareo y la confusión.

pandave dijo...

Welcome home, Oscar!
I, for one, am so very happy to face you! Good luck with the jet lag recovery... that's a lot you went through in 13 hours