© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009
Girolamo Savonarola le muestra los instrumentos del Santo Oficio a Sandro Botticelli para persuadirlo de que queme sus pinturas en una hoguera de las vanidades.
Girolamo Savonarola shows the instruments of the Holy Office to Sandro Botticelli to persuade him to burn his paintings in a bonfire of the vanities.
Girolamo Savonarola shows the instruments of the Holy Office to Sandro Botticelli to persuade him to burn his paintings in a bonfire of the vanities.
Tommy Tucker and his Orchestra
There's a flame still burning
Circle CCD151
Tommy Tucker and his Orchestra 1941-1947-: coll pers. Douglas Boyce, Robert Stephenson Jr., Stephen Market, Leon Ortyl, Leon Gottschalk (tp) Howard Wellman (tp,g) Al Kaler, Ward Kaler, Dick Beiter, George Breckenbridge (tb) B.B. Holmes, Arthur Owen, Joe Duren, Jim Curry, Max Becker, Kerwin Somerville, William De Sentola, Harry Nagel, Roy Underwood, Kenneth Schrudder (fl,cl,saxes) Hal Dorfman (p) John Hubber (g) Alfred J. Kimber (d) Don Brown, Kerwin Somerville, Amy Arnell (vcl) The Voices Three: Mary Ann Kimker, Janet Miller, Eileen Berard (vcl) The Two Timers, Voices Five and the Band (vcl). June 1941-47
2 comentarios:
jejejejejeje! ese toilette se ve en verdad terrorífico!!!
me gustó el detalle de las mangas largas y el clavito deteniendo la gorrita de Botticelli.
deberia de plasmarse un poco mas la idea primaria, la de Savoranola. pero esta muy buena.
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