© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2008
Bob Howard & His Orch
If Love Is Blind (1936)
Bob Howard (vcl) Bunny Berigan (tp) Babe Russin (ts ?) Paul Ricci (cl) Al Philburn (tb) Frank Signorelli (p) Carmen Mastren (g) Pete Peterson (b) Stan King (d). New York, March 26, 1936
12 comentarios:
Quien toca el tenor con ese sonido de mierda?..El clarinete esta fenomeno!
Difícil saberlo. Corrijo (?) el personal de lo que supongo puede ser según lo que sigue:
La discografía dice que había 2 tenores en este grupo (Paul Ricci y Babe Russin) pero en ese tema justo lo pone a Ricci en clarinete -reemplazando a Artie Shaw que tocaba en otros temas de fecha anterior- y agrega que Russin queda afuera. Yo oigo un clarinete junto a una trompeta con sordina (Berigan) en el background del tenor al comienzo y luego al final, esto es, hay tenor y clarinete -que además toca un solo bueno- tocando simultáneamente . Efectivamente el tenor tiene un sonido feo y además hace gala del famoso estilo "mecagoenelbuengusto"... probablemente sea Russin y el error es de la discografía.
¿Y si es el TENOR DEL CORTO VIDEO que me enviaste hoy? ...
Aqui hay un problema. Bob Howard era un pianista que tocaba y cantaba como Fats Waller...Yo creo que tenes al personal equivocado.
Fuente Informativa:
Bruyninckx, Walter & Domi Truffandier: Jazz discography ; 90 years of recorded jazz. [Mechelen] 2007- on 1 CD-ROM for PCs with Windows and MAC Other than in the previous editions the data is now completely unprotected and can be handled on your computer by amending, deleting, adding, highlighting etc.
Edition 6: A to K (updated to 2006) plus L-Z not up-dated.
Acerca de Howard (En letra H, página 1562):
Real name Howard Joyner. Born in Newton, Mass., June 20, 1906 and died Mount Kisco, N.Y., December 3, 1986.
Singer,pianist became known when he moved to New York in 1926. Performed as soloist in several clubs
including the Famous Door and Hickory House. Made his first recordings in 31 but his most interesting work
was made in the mid 30's when he recorded with such greats as Benny Carter, Ben Webster, Rex Stewart,
Barney Bigard, Teddy Wilson and others. Directed his own radio and TV-shows and toured Europe as solo
artist. Aside of Bob Howard he also used other pseudonyms such as Fatso Howard and Skeeter Skoot.
Bob Howard (vcl) Bunny Berigan (tp) Artie Shaw (cl) Paul Ricci or Babe Russin (ts) Frank Signorelli (p)
Carmen Mastren (g) Pete Peterson (b) Stan King (d)
New York, January 28, 1936
60404-A Whose baby are you ? De 689
60405-A Much too much 722
60406-A Garbo Green -
60407-A You hit the spot 689, Swingfan (G)101ß
Note : Entire session also on Rarities 49, Shoestring SS106 and Coral 0052-067.
A1 Philburn (tb) added, Paul Ricci (cl) replaces Shaw and Russin out
New York, February 10, 1936
60454-A Spreadin' rhythm around De 720
60455-A Wake up and sing -
Note : Both titles also on Rarities 49 and Coral 0052-067.
New York, March 26, 1936
60935-A, B I'd like to see you (unissued)
60936-A If love is blind De 862
60937-B Mr. Rhythm for president -
60938-A, B Get acquainted with yourself -
60939-A The best things happen at night 839
S...Pero si Howard que era un pianista superlativo, pupilo y protegido del maestro Fats, porque tiene en este caso a Frank Signorelli, un pianista blanco medio shomeria que tocaba con Bix, en este grupo?
No lo se, probablemente una exigencia de Decca.
Es admitido que Walter Bruyninckx es uno de los tipos más meticulosos para la data discográfica.
Bob Howard made a remarkable number of recordings during 1935-38, enough to fill up five LPs. With the popularity of Fats Waller, Howard was signed by Decca as competition but he never came close despite the utilization of some notable sidemen. Howard moved to New York in 1926 and performed as a solo act. He was a fixture on 52nd Street in the 1930's, including at the Hickory House, Park Central Hotel and the Famous Door among others. Howard recorded five selections during 1931-32 for Columbia (three solo sides that included his vocals and two duets with trumpeter Manny Klein). A decent pianist, Howard stuck exclusively to goodtime vocals during his Decca period and among the other players on his records were Benny Carter (on trumpet and alto), trumpeters Bunny Berigan and Marty Marsala, clarinetists Buster Bailey, Barney Bigard, Cecil Scott and Artie Shaw, pianists Teddy Wilson, Frank Froeba, Zinky Cohn and Billy Kyle, guitarist Teddy Bunn, drummer Cozy Cole, tenorsaxophonist Ben Webster and cornetist Rex Stewart However, after being dropped by Decca in 1938, Howard only recorded two further songs (a couple of obscurities for Atlantic in 1947). During the late 1930's he was at Mamie's Chicken Shack in New York accompanying singer Billy Daniels. Bob Howard remained active at least into the 1950's, having his own pioneering television show for a time on CBS but he is largely forgotten today. Fortunately all of his Decca recordings were reissued on five Lps by the European Rarities label in the 1970's.
- Scott Yanow, All Music Guide
El tema que nos ocupa está en esta compilación.
Cambiando de tema, me gustó mucho el dibujo de hoy. Las carrocerías de los automóviles circulando por la calle puede ser que hayan sido reciclados con secciones de algún atributo de origen orgánico? y no me refiero al farol del monofaro delantero del más grande.
Blind indeed Oscar. Me encanta la calidad de tu linea!!
Genial, los autos y el caracol (de pie!) Excelente oscar, como aiempre. En el auto del fondo viaja Jabba The Hutt?
Salute...El "auto"?
Si es verdad, no es un auto. Tendria que haber preguntado ¡que son esos cosos con ruedas del fondo? A veces tiendo a simplificar las cosas, una vez vi a un tipo sin piernas en un carrito y como tenia camisa amarilla y pantalon negro lo confundí con un taxi y lo paré. El tipo me fajó, me lo merecía. Yo y mi dislexia!!
los sexomoviles se ven arrastrando sus frustaciones....y la txanza que tiene la ¨spirou,azafata-justicia¨ en la mano que pito toca o tocó?...
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