lunes, agosto 21, 2006

In Flagrante

Copyright Oscar Grillo 2006
In Flagrante.
Anita O' Day
The Lady Is A Tramp

14 comentarios:

pandave dijo...

lol! how funny!

El editor dijo...

Me hizo acordar a el fantástico episodio "The Contest" de la serie Seinfeld. La madre de George Constanza (Estelle) internada en un hospital y reprende a su hijo (largos treinta años y que fuera sorprendido por ella en el "acto", lo que le ocasiona una caída con una fractura de pierna): (extracto del guión)

ESTELLE: I don't understand you. I really don't. You have nothing better to do at three o' clock in the afternoon? I go out for a quart of milk, I come home, and find my son treating his body like it was an amusement park!

GEORGE: (Stern, trying to shut her up) Ma.

ESTELLE: Don't give me "Ma". It's a good thing I didn't hit the table. I could of cracked my head open.

GEORGE: Ma, people can hear you.

ESTELLE: (Heavy in sarcasm) Too bad you can't do that for a living. You'd be very successful at it. You could sell out Madison Square Garden. Thousands of people could watch you! You could be a big star!

mr.ed dijo...

muuuy bueno! (lo de grillo y lo de seinfield)

Anónimo dijo...

La de la revista y la que se le aparece al hombre, son la misma mujer: su mujer. Recurrió a la revista porque así evitaba el "me duele la cabeza", "estoy con el período", "¿otra vez?, con quién te estarás calentando vos, que venís a descargarte conmigo" y otros discursos que, por repetidos, no dejan de fastidiar.

Es una lección de independencia que ningún hombre debería ignorar.

El Turco Quique.

dodo dijo...

Quien va a aprovechar ahora debe ser ella misma, no? Entonces...

Anónimo dijo...

el editor: I remember that episode, funny!

In oscars pic to me it looks like it could be a significant other who catches him, which really shouldn't be a big deal, except for the fact that she is giving herself to him and he much rather relax on his own. I feel bad for that woman.

Oscar Grillo dijo...

So do I.

Anónimo dijo...

exactly why I like your work so much, your illustrations tell the best stories.

Ps these word verifications drive me mad

Elliot Cowan dijo...

During my teenage years I drew a silly comic book about the Pope being caught wanking over a Playboy.
The only solution the Vatican could come up with was to make wanking allowed under the Catholic Church.
Everyone in the world started wanking.
Wars ended, world leaders became more easy going, religious groups became more relaxed and tolerant.
The world became a better place to live.

(for what it's worth, I think the woman is saying, "What about these?").

Oscar Grillo dijo...

Why wanking people are treated as "Wankers"?

Anónimo dijo...

I still think she is offering her boobs, not asking for their attention

viruta dijo...


sólo para decirte que me encantó la palabrita que me tocó hoy:


¿no es remononita?

(no os confundáis por la expresión
que no es ninguna alusión)


por demorar en el comment me la cambiaron por:



Anónimo dijo...


Happy birthday to our inspiring musical friend Charlie Parker, and to the character in Voltaire's
Candide who most resembles you, Pococurante.

translated from the Canadian text by Marv Newland, Vancouver 29AUG06.

Oscar Grillo dijo...

Ah!!...Yes...Marv Newland!...I used to know him till he died stomped to pulp by Godzila.