Oscar envía por e:mail diariamente a un grupo de amigos dibujos realizados con notable creatividad y destreza. Habitualmente agrega a esa imagen, un muy breve comentario y música que se escucha “clickeando” sobre el enlace destacado en el nombre del tema.
Every day, Oscar e-mails some of his friends and sends over drawings done with remarkable creativity and dexterity. Usually, he adds to those images a brief comment and music that you may listen to by clicking on the tune’s name.
viernes, marzo 31, 2006
Copyright Oscar Grillo 2006
Nuestros amigos ascendieron por la cuerda al "Leviathan".
Oscar, you have the biggest dick I have ever seen.
Mind altering work. You took my sketchbook and transformed it from a piece of shit into a voyage of discovery. I'm so pleased to have met you. You also made me piss myself with laughter for 10 hours.
You have amazing things to say and even more amazing ways to express them- if you were a drug you'd be a Picasso speedball with a triple Steinberg chaser. I fucking salute you!
In relation to Matt's comment and to avoid fan mail I feel obliged to clarify that the dick "Crookie" refers to is a metaphor for "ability to draw"..I commented that blogging reminded me of one those contests boys have showing their dicks to see who had it bigger In my childhood we also played who peed the furtherest or the highest.
My willie is the right size, like everybody elses, in both accounts.
Viruta: Cada dia se te ve mas linda en tu recuadrito de identificacion.
6 comentarios:
...donde olía terriblemente a pescado pero las vistas eran preciosas.
¿Se alimentarían de las lapas y moluscos pegados en la piel de la ballena?
....de ballena..como los japoneses y los Islandeses.
Oscar, you have the biggest dick I have ever seen.
Mind altering work. You took my sketchbook and transformed it from a piece of shit into a voyage of discovery. I'm so pleased to have met you. You also made me piss myself with laughter for 10 hours.
You have amazing things to say and even more amazing ways to express them- if you were a drug you'd be a Picasso speedball with a triple Steinberg chaser. I fucking salute you!
como si
un lívido resplandor
nos guiara
hacia el extraviado allá...
estás vos:
In relation to Matt's comment and to avoid fan mail I feel obliged to clarify that the dick "Crookie" refers to is a metaphor for "ability to draw"..I commented that blogging reminded me of one those contests boys have showing their dicks to see who had it bigger
In my childhood we also played who peed the furtherest or the highest.
My willie is the right size, like everybody elses, in both accounts.
Viruta: Cada dia se te ve mas linda en tu recuadrito de identificacion.
¿Cuánto saldrá un billete Barcelona/Buenos Aires en ballena voladora?....me parece que ya sé en qué vehículo haré mi próximo viaje...
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