martes, marzo 21, 2006

Camino al palacio


Copyright Oscar Grillo 2006

La Princesa, el gato, el Rey y el Marqués de Carabas caminan hacia el palacio.

Late but sure.


She Wears Red Feathers
Guy Mitchell

9 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Acá está la cosa. El gato ladino hizo lo que hizo para quedarse él con la princesa. Otra cosa habría sucedido si al muchacho le hubieran legado un perro.

El Turco Quique

Oscar Grillo dijo...

En este dibujo me gusta como los subditos saludan a la Princesa.

Anónimo dijo...

I must confess I like this picture

DaLe dijo...

unfortunately since i dont speak spanish (tho i wish so much) i wanted to say in the ugly language that is english, that your art is so unbelievably amazing!!!! im now on a recklass search to find as much of your art as possible. thanks so much for the uncontrolable inspiration. please more

Oscar Grillo dijo...

Dear DaLe;
Compliments are good in any language!..Thanks...
Spanish is no so pretty either, mate...We have words such as "palangana" for "washbasin" and "mondongo" for "tripe". See?

Anónimo dijo...

para mí que se equivocó de placard

si hubiera optado
por sedas, terciopelos
y canutillos de plata bordados
otro hubiera sido el cantar
de los cantos y demás

Oscar Grillo dijo...

Viruta. Las Princesas de antes usaban gomina.

limbolo dijo...

Mondongo has good funk.

When I was very young my mother would play the Guy Mitchell 78 on our radiogram -Sunday mornings between elevenses and lunch. You had to be careful not to miss ROUND THE HORNE at one.
Ah....Bliss it was to be young.

Oscar Grillo dijo...

I used to find Guy Mitchell's staring eyes VERY disturbing. My daughter instead is greatly bothered by the oily looks of Elvis.
This phobia for pop stars runs in the family.