sábado, octubre 31, 2009

Viejos tiempos

Olden days

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Un dibujo que hice hace mas de 45 años
A drawing I've done more than 45 years ago

Bud Powell
Yesterdays (1950)
Clef 11047

Bud Powell (p solo). New York, February 1950

viernes, octubre 30, 2009



© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Count Basie and his Orchestra
Fancy meetin' you here (1941)
Okeh 6319

Count Basie and his Orchestra: Buck Clayton, Ed Lewis, Al Killian, Harry Edison (tp) Ed Cuffee, Robert Scott, Eli Robinson (tb) Earl Warren (as,vcl) Tab Smith (sop,as) Buddy Tate, Don Byas (ts) Jack Washington (bar) Count Basie (p) Freddy Green (g) Walter Page (b) Jo Jones (d). New York, July 2, 1941

jueves, octubre 29, 2009

El Cantar de los Cantares

The Song of Songs

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

John McCormack
I'll Sing Thee Songs Of Araby (1914)
Victor 64375

miércoles, octubre 28, 2009



© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Mills Blue Rhythm Band
Straddle the fence (1931)
Vocalion 1646

Mills Blue Rhythm Band: Wardell Jones, Shelton Hemphill, Eddie Anderson (tp) Harry White, Henry Hicks (tb) Crawford Wethington (cl,as,bar) Ted McCord, Castor McCord (cl,ts) Edgar Hayes (p,arr) Benny James (bj) Hayes Alvis (b) Willie Lynch (d) Dick Robertson (vcl). New York, January 30, 1931

martes, octubre 27, 2009

Caballero Martillador

Hammering Knight

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Sammy Kaye and his Orchestra
The Reluctant Dragon (1941)
Victor 27449

lunes, octubre 26, 2009

Directores de Arte

Art Directors

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Leo Reisman & his Orchestra
Foolin' time (1928)
Columbia 1416 D

Leo Reisman & his Orchestra: Undisclosed personnel. New York, April 9, 1928

domingo, octubre 25, 2009

¿Andiremos a parar?

Where are we going to end up?

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Zach Whyte's Chocolate Beau Brummels
West End blues (1929)
Gennet 6798

Zach Whyte's Chocolate Beau Brummels: Sy Oliver, Bubber White, Henry Savage (tp) Floyd "Stumpy" Brady (tb) Earl "Inky" Tribble, Ben "Smoke" Richardson, Clarence "Mose" Paige (as) Al Sears (ts,bar) Herman Chittison (p) unknown (g) Zach Whyte (bj,dir) Montgomery Morrison (tu) William Benton (d). Richmond, Indiana, February 26, 1929

sábado, octubre 24, 2009

Corel Draw

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Rembrandt Harmenzoon Van Rijn usa Corel Draw
Rembrandt Harmenzoon Van Rijn uses Corel Draw

Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra
Painting the clouds with sunshine (1929)
(Al Dubin-Joe Burke)
Victor 22027

Jean Goldkette and his Orchestra: 3 tp, 2 tb, cl/as/fl, cl/ts, 3 vln, p, bj, tu, d, Frank Munn (vcl). New York, June 14, 1929

viernes, octubre 23, 2009


Blind date

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Gerrit Gerritszoon, también conocido como Desiderius Erasmus Rotterodamus o Erasmo de Rotterdam, escribió "El elogio de la locura" luego de haber tenido una cita con una mujer con quien correspondía en Internet.

Gerrit Gerritszoon also known as Desiderius Erasmus Rotterodamus or Erasmus of Rotterdam is inspired to write "In praise of folly" after meeting a woman through the Internet.

Nat King Cole Trio
You call it madness (1945)
Laserlight 15746

Nat King Cole Trio: Nat King Cole (p,vcl) Oscar Moore (g) Johnny Miller (b). Los Angeles, Ca., January 1945

jueves, octubre 22, 2009

Variety is the spice of life

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

J.S. Bach presenta las variaciones a Su Excelencia, el Embajador de Rusia a la Corte del Electorado de Sajonia, El Conde de Kaiserling.
Según informaciones recibidas, El Conde, que sufría de insomnio le pedía al clavecinista Johann Gottlieb Goldberg, que lo acompañaba en todos sus viajes, que tocase estas variaciones en sus noches sin sueño.

J. S. Bach presents his variations to His Excellency, the Russian ambassador to the electoral court of Saxony, Count Kaiserling.
Legend has it that the Count, suffering from insomnia, used to ask harpsichordist Johann Gottlieb Goldberg, who accompanyied him everywhere, to play these variations during his sleepless nights.

Fats Waller and his Rhythm
Bach up to me (1936)
Victor 25536

Fats Waller and his Rhythm: Herman Autrey (tp) Gene Sedric (cl,ts) Fats Waller (p,vcl interjections) Al Casey (g) Charls Turner (b) Yank Porter (d). New York, June 8, 1936

miércoles, octubre 21, 2009

De Ruina Mundi

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Girolamo Savonarola le muestra los instrumentos del Santo Oficio a Sandro Botticelli para persuadirlo de que queme sus pinturas en una hoguera de las vanidades.

Girolamo Savonarola shows the instruments of the Holy Office to Sandro Botticelli to persuade him to burn his paintings in a bonfire of the vanities.

Tommy Tucker and his Orchestra
There's a flame still burning
Circle CCD151

Tommy Tucker and his Orchestra 1941-1947-: coll pers. Douglas Boyce, Robert Stephenson Jr., Stephen Market, Leon Ortyl, Leon Gottschalk (tp) Howard Wellman (tp,g) Al Kaler, Ward Kaler, Dick Beiter, George Breckenbridge (tb) B.B. Holmes, Arthur Owen, Joe Duren, Jim Curry, Max Becker, Kerwin Somerville, William De Sentola, Harry Nagel, Roy Underwood, Kenneth Schrudder (fl,cl,saxes) Hal Dorfman (p) John Hubber (g) Alfred J. Kimber (d) Don Brown, Kerwin Somerville, Amy Arnell (vcl) The Voices Three: Mary Ann Kimker, Janet Miller, Eileen Berard (vcl) The Two Timers, Voices Five and the Band (vcl). June 1941-47

martes, octubre 20, 2009

La folclorista desteñida

The wishy washy folk singer

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

La folclorista desteñida
¿A veces me pregunto qué me hace dibujar cosas como esta?...
¿Por qué no dibujo el "Guernica" para nuestros tiempos? ¿Una cesta de frutas? ¿una catedral, superhéroes, perros de historieta, gente desnuda o transeúntes?
¿Por qué no dibujo con líneas gruesas y finas y claroscuro? ¿Al óleo? ¿con vectores?...
No sé.
Dibujo así porque me gusta.
Posiblemente porque veo al mundo con los ojos de un loco, o el mundo ante mis ojos esta loco...
No sé.
Sólo sé que dibujo así porque estos dibujos me hacen reír.
Espero que no ofenderte demasiado enviando a diario estas tonterías, producto de una mente perezosa e inmadura.
Salute. Oscar

The wishy washy folk singer
I wonder what makes me draw things like this?...
Why don't I draw the "Guernica" for our times? A basket of fruits? a cathedral, superheroes, cartoon dogs, naked people or passers by?
Why don't I draw with thick and thin lines and "chiaroscuro"? in oils? with vector lines?...
I don't know.
I draw like this because I like it. Possibly because I see the world with the eyes of a madman, or the world in front of my eyes is mad....
I don't know.
I only know that I draw like this because these drawings make me laugh.
I hope I don't offend you much by mailing these inanities, products of a lazy and immature mind.
All the best.

Teresa Brewer with the Dixieland All Stars
Music, music, music (1949)
London L604

Teresa Brewer with the Dixieland All Stars: Teresa Brewer (vcl) acc. by Max Kaminsky (tp) Cutty Cutshall (tb) Ernie Caceres (bar) Jack Pleis (p) Danny Perri (g) Eddie Safranski (b) George Wettling (d). New York, c. late 1949

lunes, octubre 19, 2009

Agatha Christie's Salon

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Gene Krupa and his Orchestra
"Murder" he says (1942)
Okeh 6695

Gene Krupa and his Orchestra: Roy Eldridge (tp) Mickey Mangano, Norman Murphy, Al Beck (tp) Greg Phillips, Tommy Pederson, Babe Wagner (tb) Sam Musiker (cl,as) Benny Feman (as) Jimmy Migliore, Don Brassfield (ts) Rex Kittig (bar) Joe Springer (p) Teddy Walters (g) Eddie Mihelich (b) Gene Krupa (d) Anita O'Day (vcl) Elton Hill, Tommy Pederson (arr). New York, July 13, 1942

domingo, octubre 18, 2009

La Vida


© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

La vida tal como la vivimos (para Pablo)
Life as we live it (for Pablo)

Ray Noble & the New Mayfair Dance Orchestra
That's what life is made of (1933)
Elec (E)EG2836

Ray Noble & the New Mayfair Dance Orchestra: Max Goldberg, Bill Shakespeare, Nat Gonella (tp) Lew Davis, Tony Thorpe (tb) Laurie Payne, E.O. Pogson, Freddy Gardner (cl,as,bar) Harry Berly (ts,vln) Eric Siday, Reg Pursglove, Jean Pougnet, Hugo Rignold (vln) Harry Jacobson, Eddie Carroll, Cecil Norman (p) Al Bowlly (g,vcl) Tiny Winters (b) Rudy Starita (d). London, May 10, 1933

sábado, octubre 17, 2009



© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Mendello and his Five Gee-Gees
Dixie drag (Blue bottom) (1928)
Banner 6214

Mendello and his Five Gee-Gees: Toots Mendello (cnt) Glenn Miller (tb) Fud Livingston (cl) Arthur Schutt (p) Carl Kress (g) Vic Berton (d) Dick Holmes (= Jack Kaufman)(vcl). New York, October 16, 1928

viernes, octubre 16, 2009

El Caballero y la Doncella

Knight and Maiden

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Shep Fields and his Rippling Rhythm Orchestra
You came to my rescue (1936)
Bluebird 6547

jueves, octubre 15, 2009

El sí de las niñas

The maidens'consent

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Artie Shaw and his Orchestra
The maid with the flaccid air (1945)
Victor 28-0406

Artie Shaw and his Orchestra: Roy Eldridge (tp) Paul Cohen, Bernie Glow, George Schwartz (tp) Bob Swift, Ollie Wilson, Augustino Ischia (Gus Dixon) (tb) Harry Rodgers (tb) Artie Shaw (cl) Louis Prisby, Rudy Tanza (as) Jon Walton, Herbie Steward (ts) Chuck Gentry (bar) Dodo Marmarosa (p) Barney Kessel (g) Morris Rayman (b) Louis Fromm (d) Eddie Sauter (arr). Hollywood, Ca., July 19, 1945

miércoles, octubre 14, 2009

La Vela

The Candle

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

La Vela (Dedicado a Zoly y a Jan Pinkava)
The Candle (Dedicated to Zoly and Jan Pinkava)

Jess Stacy
Candlelights (1939)
Commodore 517

Jess Stacy (p) solo. New York, January 18, 1939

martes, octubre 13, 2009



© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Ben Selvin and his Orchestra
Thinking of you (1927)
Columbia 1164

Ben Selvin and his Orchestra: (recorded as "Broadway Nitelites") Earl Oliver (tp) Sam Lewis (tb) Larry Abbot, Louis Martin, Hymie Wolfson, Jimmy Johnston (saxes) Lew Cobey (p) Dick McDonough (g) Hank Stern (tu) Milton Sands (dr) Franklyn Baur (vcl). New York, October 25, 1927

lunes, octubre 12, 2009

Caballito de batalla


© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Ben Bernie and his Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra
The King's horses (1931)
Brunswick 6024

Ben Bernie and his Hotel Roosevelt Orchestra: Undisclosed personnel. New York, January 9, 1931.

domingo, octubre 11, 2009



© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Sidney Bechet and his New Orleans Feetwarmers
Swing parade (1941)
Victor 27574

Sidney Bechet and his New Orleans Feetwarmers: Gus Aiken (tp) Sandy Williams (tb) Sidney Bechet (cl, sop) Lem Johnson (ts) Cliff Jackson (p) Ernest Wilson Myers (b) Arthur Herbert (d). New York, April 28, 1941

sábado, octubre 10, 2009


© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Vic Damone featuring Glenn Osser's Orchestra
Sitting By The Window (1950)
Mercury 5343

El paseo de la geometría

Walking geometry

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Bing Crosby
Did You Ever See A Dream Walking? (1933)
Brunswick 6724

Bing Crosby (vcl) acc. by Lennie Hayton and his Orchestra (undisclosed personnel). Los Angeles, December 11, 1933.

viernes, octubre 09, 2009

Living room

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Leonard Feather and Dan Burley
Living room stomp (1945)
Continental 6006

Leonard Feather and Dan Burley: Leonard Feather, Dan Burley (p) Tiny Grimes (g) Jack Lesberg (b) Morey Feld (d). New York, January 1, 1945

jueves, octubre 08, 2009

Dos máscaras

Two masks

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Cuento judío:
El escritor triestino Caudio Magris cuenta la historia de dos hombres que se encuentran en una estación de tren cargados de valijas:
"¿Adonde vas?" pregunta el primero.
"A Argentina" responde el otro.
"Ah, vas lejos..."
y el segundo perplejo pregunta
"¿Lejos de donde?"

A Jewish tale:
The Italian writer Claudio Magris tells the story of two men who meet in a train station carrying lots of luggage:
"Where are you going? asks the first one.
"To Argentina" answers the other.
"Oh. You are going far!"
"Far from where?" asks the surprised second man.

El dibujo que acompaña este e-mail no necesariamente ilustra esta historia.
The accompanying drawing doesn't necessarily illustrate this story.

Teddy Wilson
Long ago and far away (1946)
Musicraft 372

!Gracias Jorge Dana!

Teddy Wilson (p) solos. New York, May 12, 1946

miércoles, octubre 07, 2009

El revólver

The gun

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band
Guns in the sky (1944)
V-Disc 242

Glenn Miller Army Air Force Band: Whitey Thomas, Bobby Nichols, Bernie Privin, Jack Steele (tp) Jimmy Priddy, James Harwood, Johnny Halliburton, Larry Hall (tb) Addison Collins Jr. (fhr) Hank Freeman (as) Peanuts Hucko (cl,as) Freddy Guerra (as) Jack Ferrier, Vinnie Carbone (ts) Chuck Gentry (bar) Mel Powell (p,arr) Carmen Mastren (g) Herman "Trigger" Alpert (b) Ray McKinley, Frank Ippolito (d) + 18 strings with George Ockner (concertmaster) Glee Club. Johnny Desmond (vcl) and Crew Chiefsn(vcl group): Artie Malvin, Steve Steck Jr., Gene Steck, James Lynn Allison (vcl) Glenn Miller (ldr). Broadcast, "Partners in Victory", New Jersey, May 19, 1944

martes, octubre 06, 2009

Das Wohltemperierte Klavier

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Pat Flowers
Bach prelude and fugue (1944)
Hit/Guild 1012

Pat Flowers (p) acc by unknown b and d. New York, May 1944

lunes, octubre 05, 2009



© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Bob Crosby and his Orchestra
Old spinning wheel (1937)
Decca 1196

Bob Crosby and his Orchestra: Andy Ferretti, Yank Lawson (tp) Joe Harris (tb) Mark Bennett (tb) Gil Rodin, Matty Matlock (cl,as) Eddie Miller (ts,cl) Dean Kincaide (ts) Gil Bowers (p) Nappy Lamare (g) Bob Haggart (b) Ray Bauduc (d) unknown (vln). New York, February 8, 1937

domingo, octubre 04, 2009

El baile del Pez y el Perro

The dance of the Fish and the Dog

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Red Norvo & His Orchestra
Dance of the octopus (1933)
(Red Norvo)
Brunswick 6906

Red Norvo & his Orchestra: Benny Goodman (bass cl) Dick McDonough (g) Red Norvo (marimba) Art Bernstein (b): New York, November 21, 1933

sábado, octubre 03, 2009

Krazy Gator

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Kai's Krazy Cats
Loaded (1945)
Savoy 602
Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven
Alligator crawl (1927)
Okeh 8482

Kai's Krazy Cats: Shorty Rogers (tp) Kai Winding (tb) Stan Getz (ts) Shorty Allen (p) Iggy Shevack (b) Shelly Manne (d). New York, December 14, 1945

Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven: Louis Armstrong (cnt,vcl) John Thomas (tb) Johnny Dodds (cl) Lil Armstrong (p) Johnny St. Cyr (bj) Pete Briggs (tu) Baby Dodds (d). Chicago, May 10, 1927

viernes, octubre 02, 2009

High society

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Roy Eldridge and his Orchestra
High society (1939)
Varsity 8154
...y en un estilo mas tradicional:
...and in a more traditional New Orleans marching style:
Kid Ory and his Creole Band
High society (1945)
Decca 25134

Roy Eldridge and his Orchestra: Roy Eldridge (tp,vcl) Robert Williams (tp) Eli Robinson (tb) Joe Eldridge (as) Prince Robinson (cl) Franz Jackson (ts) Kenny Kersey (p) John Collins (g) Ted Sturgis (b) Panama Francis (d). New York, December 1939

Kid Ory and his Creole Band: Mutt Carey (tp) Kid Ory (tb) Joe Darensbourg (cl) Buster Wilson (p) Bud Scott (bj) Ed Garland (b) Minor Hall (d). Los Angeles, March 21, 1945

jueves, octubre 01, 2009

Bebedor y conductor

Drinker and driver

© Copyright Oscar Grillo 2009

Chicago Black Swans
You drink too much (1937)
Conqueror 8780

Chicago Black Swans: Big Bill Broonzy (g,vcl) acc. by Alfred "Mr. Sheiks" Bell (tp) Arnett Nelson or Odell Rand (cl) Black Bob (p) unknown 2nd g-1 and perc. Chicago, January 26, 1937