Este dibujo muestra algo que vi a pocas cuadras de uno de los sitios bombardeados hace un par de semanas.
Música por Blind Willie Dunn and his Gin Bottle Four...(Lonnie Johnson & Eddie Lang, guitarras; King Oliver, corneta; J.C.Johnson, piano y Hoagy Carmichael, voz y botella de gin).
Tavistock Square en español 
Copyright Oscar Grillo 2005
The attached drawing depicts something I saw happening near the scene of one of the bombings two weeks ago.Music by Blind Willie Dunn and his Gin Bottle Four...(Lonnie Johnson & Eddie Lang, guitars; King Oliver, cornet; J.C. Johnson, piano and Hoagy Carmichael voice and gin bottle)Tavistock Square in English
Copyright Oscar Grillo 2005